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The Paperworks Logo

Hello and welcome to our very first blog post. The Paperworks logo!

We are trying to create more blog and social media posts to inform our visitors and readers about what Paperworks is all about, the people we support who are adults with learning disabilities, who we call trainees and everything else that we get up to!

So, you might be wondering why we have dedicated our first post to our Paperworks logo. Simply because there is more than meets the eye to it, one for the transformer fans. If you’re not thinking that then no problem, because by the end of it, you will understand why we have.

A logo is a symbol or design that is used to identify a company or a logo, it is how we are remembered by others. Our logo was designed keeping in mind our trainees, who they are and what they represent, along with what our purpose is as an enterprise.

The logo is a combination of all different sizes circles and colours. The different circle sizes represent our trainees, their unique skills, styles and individuality and the colours represent the different areas that we cover, making a full circle as without one or the other we wouldn’t be Paperworks. With our social media posts, we will be incorporating different colours to indicate which area this post is focusing on.

In this post, we will delve into the different colours and what they represent, which will provide you with a more in-depth insight into our little charity organisation. So, grab a cuppa, get comfortable and let’s begin.


Chosen to represent the training services that we provide to our trainees. One of our main aims at Paperworks is to learn, enhance skills and help boost the confidence of our trainees in areas that they might be hesitant in.

How do we do this?

Working alongside business clients, to fulfil orders, we can give a wide variety of opportunities for them to learn and enhance skills. Jobs can consist of building boxes, wrapping bath bombs, packing hampers and so much more. By completing these various jobs our trainees can work on for example their IT skills, motor and communication skills, teamwork and problem-solving .

Along with this, we run courses for our clients. These courses involve four trainees and run over five weeks, focusing on all the aspects and jobs required to fulfil the clients' orders. At the end of the course, trainees are observed in completing orders from start to finish. They are then assessed and graded for each given task, induction, attempt, training and confidence. This indicates how confident they are and what we can work on with them to help them progress.

We have also created courses which focus on skills that can be applied outside of Paperworks in our trainees’ daily lives.

  • Expressive craftivism- This course aims to enable trainees to express themselves through art.

  • Enterprise & business skills- This course aims to enable trainees to explore entrepreneurship and product development.

  • Creative storytelling- This course aims to enable trainees to write stories based on their own experiences and ideas, with clarity and effectiveness.


Blue was chosen to represent the business and fulfilment side of Paperworks. Over the years we have had a variety of different clients whose contribution to providing work has helped our trainees enhance their skills. At Paperworks we provide work for our trainees, real work. Trainees have been completing daily orders for our clients but also creating products in large quantities. Without our clients, we wouldn’t be able to provide the space for learning and development that we do. Each client brings their own needs and processes to complete their orders.

Orders that have been created by our trainees have been shipped all around the world. No day is the same at Paperworks as one client could require 1000 kits to be created while another has 20 orders for customers to send out. Our trainees take pride in knowing that they are completing these orders and actual customers are purchasing and receiving them all around the world. This greatly boosts their confidence and motivation to continue achieving to the best of their ability.


Green was chosen to represent our waste paper/shredding side of Paperworks. Our collection service started with just one client 9 years ago. We now supply shredding consoles to clients and cover most areas of Yorkshire and have regular weekly, 2 weekly, monthly, and ad hoc collections. We work with a large charity located in York, hotel chains, engineering companies, accountants, and many other types of businesses.

Upon receiving shredding our trainees filter through the paper to ensure that no staples, plastic, or anything which could damage the shredder are left. The papers are then shredded on one of our two small shredders. Trainees enjoy being part of this process as they find the shredders calming but also, they know they are being a part of recycling which we encourage daily at Paperworks. Biffa collects all our shredding however we also provide shredded paper to stables for horse bedding.


Wellbeing is a large aspect of Paperworks and the chosen colour for this area was red. We have incorporated many different ways to focus on the wellbeing of our trainees. We have run art projects focusing on expression and creativity. Dance projects have allowed our trainees to have fun and be able to express themselves through the form of movement. We have created and performed a Christmas panto which allowed all our trainees to try things they might have not done before from script writing, to prop making to backstage support and performing.

Along with the projects inside Paperworks, we have partnered with East Leeds Cricket Club in maintaining their cricket pitch. This provides an opportunity for our trainees to take part in tasks outdoors during the summer period, enhancing their skills but also welcoming positive feelings by being outside.


Our staff and volunteers are a major part of the running of Paperworks and the colour yellow was chosen for this area. At Paperworks we provide skills and learning for our staff members which have included first aid training, Makaton, Petals and more.


Being creative and developing new ideas has always been a big part of Paperworks. Having bought a laser cutter our trainees have worked alongside staff in developing and creating products which are sold at events and more recently online, on shops such as Etsy and eBay. We look to continue to develop this further.

And that’s a full circle. Now having been through all the different colours of Paperworks you will be able to know which post is related to which area. Follow us on social media and look out for the colour to indicate what are of Paperworks the post is related to.


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